Equipment Upgrades:
Microphone $245.03- 6 x 3 Mobile Vocal Booth $1,458.00 (includes $186.36 for FedEx Ground shipping)
Total: $1458.00
Marketing Materials:
- Domain name $12/yr
- Business card magnets 200 for $55 (these are for parents of children who email us copies of colored-in pages to hang them on their fridge)
- Bookmarks 200 for $88 (these are for putting at check-out counters in local libraries to invite people who enjoy reading to listen to the show)
- Pulsar light sticks 250 for $490.60 (these are LED and come w/a lanyards, which we figure will remind parents to put our show and children will enjoy playing w/these in the dark, while they listen in their beds)
- Upgrade Casting Call Club account to Gold $96/yr (we use this to advertise to potential participants in the project and going to Gold would give us increased visibility)
- Prizes $200 (these are intended to reward the most talented young people who submit their work to the show. We want to have 2 contests, every 6 months, for these categories: Best Children’s Story and Best Illustration and each winner would receive a $50 gift card and possibly what I call a sur-prize, something similar to the unicorn meat and stuffed Tux penguin I gave away last time, because that is what worked before)
- One year student membership to Association of Independents in Radio $45 (this affiliation is in the interest of networking w/other producers and expanding the reach of our public access program to more areas)
Total: $986.60
Cannot Put a Price on Currently:
- Packaging for shipping (specifically, envelopes and mailers)
- Postage (particularly, for prizes and marketing materials)
- Advertising on FaceBook (this would be to let people know they can listen to the show wherever in the world they live, via the Internet and the way it works, is you set how much you want to spend on advertising and FB provides you w/however much advertising that affords you)
Grand Total: $2444.60